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Last Updated, Sep 20, 2024, 2:43 AM
Marblehead School Committee talks contracts

MARBLEHEAD — The School Committee’s bargaining subcommittee briefed the committee on its ongoing contract negotiations during its meeting on Thursday.

According to the presentation, which was shown at the meeting, negotiations for a new contract began on March 14. 

The presentation laid out why there is not a new contract, saying that the wage proposals from the Marblehead Education Association (MEA) are “unaffordable and unsustainable.”

The proposals are a 39.5-percent increase for Unit A (teachers) over a three-year period, which the presentation stated would cost $9,207,499 by its concluding third year, and a 67-percent increase for custodians, also over a three-year period, costing $1,265,507.

Additionally, proposed wage increases include 28.8 to 41 percent for tutors for year one, paraprofessionals between 113.2 and 171.7, and permanent substitutes between 31.6 and 41.8 percent.

With regard to custodians, a request for a state mediator has been filed — all other negotiations for Unit A, tutors, paraprofessionals, and permanent substitutes remain ongoing.

The presentation said that the committee has offered up to 10 days of paid parental leave, in addition to the currently offered benefits. It is also offering to establish a Safety Advisory Committee.

The presentation additionally stated that the lunch and recess times “do not count” towards the 900 hours of student learning time through the year, which it said is statutorily obligated to ensure.

The subcommittee examined the tax levy amounts of neighboring communities compared to Marblehead, with Marblehead being the lowest at $3,494. The communities included Swampscott, Hingham, Andover and Wayland, which Chairperson Jenn Schaeffner said have similar demographics to that of Marblehead.

The presentation stated that the wage proposals brought forth by the MEA present a “major funding concern,” which require either a 14 percent tax override, or laying off 42 percent of staff.

“The committee is committed to bargaining a contract that meets the needs of Marblehead students, staff and the community,” a portion of the presentation said in its concluding slide about next steps.

The subcommittee is expected to continue discussions as it relates to the contracts at its next meeting on Sept. 20.

  • Kelan Flynn

    Kelan Flynn is the Item’s Saugus reporter, joining the Essex Media Group team in April, 2024 and graduated from Suffolk University in 2020 with a Bachelor’s degree in English and concentration in Creative Writing. While in school, he helped make editorial decisions with various literary magazines on campus such as Venture and Salamander, as well as wrote a wide variety of works ranging from nonfiction personal essays to horror and science fiction. When he has spare time, he enjoys going to the movies, watching sports with friends and family, and collecting vinyl records.

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